Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Cheap hooker

Well, this might fall into the category of TMI but I need to record it.

Yesterday, I visited a highly specialized Woman's Clinic - among other things, they focus on girly part issues.  When we get older, many of us have those issues. Not much fun.

First hurdle...the doctors were all women. Now, if you're younger that sounds perfectly normal; if you've been around awhile and only had male doctors, it's kind of wierd. I think I got through the touching stuff okay - but I was aware that I was unable to turn off my mouth. I was a one-woman stand-up (lie down?) comedy routine.  I had an audience of two (the doc and her resident) and we were trapped in that high-tech room together. They could not escape.Sometimes I wish I had an off button. I'm sure they did too.

The details aren't important. Suffice it to say there was an unexpected biopsy (OUCH), an opportunity to view my inside stuff through the magic of vagi-cam (I made that name up) and a long lesson on the proper use of the medication I only occasionally use...which means I misuse it. That's why it doesn't work. Hmmm.

There was also a prescription for something new.  Something I could "wear" inside and therefore not forget to take.  Intriguing. With my ADD even the strongest of my intentions can dissipate on the way to take a pill...oh look, a twizzler and there's that book I misplaced....  So, wearing something sounded good.  The doctor warned me, "It's a bit pricey, but if you break it down and divide by how long it lasts, it's not bad at all."  She quoted me a price that she thought was correct. Of course it wasn't. Doctors don't use what they give you.

Unable to give me a written prescription (WHY???) I had to give her a local pharmacy. I don't really have one. I've already hit the donut hole of Part D and I go to Canada for the rest of the year. Can't do that. They won't do that. I'm stuck.

After calling 4 pharmacies, I was quoted $252, $256, $242, and 304. (Note: The Canadian price is $118) I don't know what planet the doctor lives on, but that's a lot.  My dilemma: sex or no sex? Pain or no pain?  I vote for abstinence!!!. My husband does not agree.

I have calculated that if we have sex four times a month, over three months, each time costs approximately $21.  I have mixed feelings about that.  I believe that's less than the street hookers cost...but I could be wrong...My husband says if we do it more often it would be cheaper.  I tell him to "go for it" but not with me..


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