Okay so - I've been gone from this blog. No particular reason...not feeling like talking, I guess. It gets like that sometimes. But it doesn't mean I've been in some form of suspended animation. Nope. Although there have been a few moments where suspended animation looked mighty tempting.
For my sake and that of my wonky memory, I am doing a quick recap. Then someday when my future relatives are on Ancestors dot com they'll be able to fill in the blanks and be grateful they only have to read about me.
Empty nesting turns out to be glorious (but fleeting....see future entry). With no adult children (this term fits in my house) and no guests, it is possible to have unplanned sex (I said POSSIBLE...it's just a concept - a possibility- not a given), lower our utility bills by 20% (my son would turn on the lights of any room he walked through and never turn them off, run the shower for 20 minutes, keep his TV on all day and night..etc) and reduce our grocery bill by half. Time spent cooking was also minimized and focused on only the foods we loved. What we discovered was that without the stress of having another annoying, blood sucking human under our roof - we had more fun. We were more relaxed. We felt renewed!! I should have known this wouldn't last.
I had my first Southwest Airlines Flight where I learned the secret to getting better seat is to pay an extra fee. Worth it. The fee probably took me from section D to section B....Section B is good. Section A is for gods and goddesses..not sure what kind of fee you pay for that. But if you don't know what I'm talking about I'll try to briefly explain. You buy a ticket on THEIR website. No assigned seating EVER.No first class, business or coach. 24 hours before your flight you (and everyone else on the flight) go online and "check-in" and you get a section assignment and a number. 30 minutes before your flight you line up according to your section and your number (I had B42 going and B45 coming home). It feels a bit like kindergarten but you do not have to hold you buddy's hand. They call your section, you board and take whatever seat you want, It's fast and efficient...it's a little less attractive if you're traveling with someone who has a higher number though. You have to creatively save her seat. If you pay an extra fee you get "checked-in" 36 hours in advance. This increases the probability that you will get section B (maybe A)...but it doesn't guarantee it. It's a gamble...but the $24 was a better bet than any I made in Vegas.
(Oh and the soda, coffee etc is free and they are very generous with their snacks.)
Vegas with a friend rocks. Spent a lot. Ate some totally amazing fattening food and fulfilled a bucket list entry. (Cross one off. And yes, I got all teary when the concert began. Hold your laughter. It's MY life) Celine Dion. $200. Amazing - except for the asswads sitting next to me. They were French and seemed to think that anything Celine Dion said or sang that was French..or alluded to French..or mentioned a person who was French (or ate a french fry) gave them the right to either whistle at an ear piercing decibel or scream...they also sang along with her - especially when she sang in French. My dirty looks did not slow them down however my friend Deb did...some how she gave them "the look" and we enjoyed a full 30 minutes of peace. Au revoir idiots.
I would probably have written about these things...but I didn't...there was more, but who cares. I feel somewhat caught up. I can go to bed now.